Did you know that we can identify with a specific hormone type, which determines our shape, personality traits and where we distribute body fat?

In my free QUIZ you can find your hormone type and how to balance your hormones and diet in order to lose weight. There are three hormone types known as the thyroid body type, the adrenal body type and the ovary body type. The hormone types have different shapes, characteristics and imbalances – often we’ve traits from more than one hormone type but usually identify with one type specifically. 

In order to address your hormone type, we’ll talk about the thyroid hormone type, the adrenal hormone type and the ovary hormone type. Furthermore, we’ll talk about how to support your hormones to lose weight.

How Do I Know My Hormone Type?

Hormone types describe how our body is constructed – this is also called our somatotype, a theory made by Dr. William Sheldon. The somatotype refers to the idea that there are three generalized body types.

When you look in the mirror, you may see yourself in a certain shape like an apple, pear or banana. The banana shape is also known as ectomorph, the pear as mesomorph and the apple as endomorph.

The ‘hormone type’ is developed from old alternative German medicine and our somatotype may teach us a lot about our hormones and personality – but what is the definition of the different hormone types?

The three hormone types are divided into the thyroid body type, the adrenal body type and the ovary body type. 

Typically we have traits from all the different hormone types – but there’s often one we can identify more with than the others. This hormone type will often affect how we tend to gain (or lose) weight and multiple other things.

The Thyroid Body Type

The thyroid body type is often described as the endoderm or apple shape with a tendency to gain weight around the midsection. They often have a round head, shorter extremities and soft cheeks. 

The hormones related to this body type are the thyroid hormones that control our metabolism, energy and if we’re feeling hot or cold.

The thyroid type usually has more energy in the morning or during the day, while being tired at night. They wake up early as a morning person, but often have their afternoon crash around 4-5 pm. 

Thyroid Type In Balance 

When the thyroid type is in balance, they have a strong intestinal system, balanced weight, they have vitality and tend to live in the present moment. They usually like pleasure and enjoyment in life. 

The thyroid type likes exciting new projects, love changes and creativity stimulates them which may make them a great entrepreneur. 

Thyroid Type Imbalanced

When the thyroid type is imbalanced they will have difficulties with weight and tend to put on weight easily. They may feel slower, tired and cold and have a tendency to have cellulitis and edemas. 

The thyroid type is a person with too many projects that may overwhelm them, but they never give up – even when they’re tired. When the thyroid type is unbalanced, they may have an unstable mood, overthink, overwork – in general overdo. 

The thyroid type is closely connected with the nervous system, where they often feel a lot of emotions. This means feeling nervous, angry and impatient. 

What Cravings Does The Thyroid Hormone Type Have?

The thyroid hormone type are prone to use stimulants such as coffee, sweets, etc. to get more energy when feeling exhausted. This may lead to digestive issues or depression for a thyroid type. 

The thyroid type often have a good appetite and good digestive system with a craving for:

  • Coffee
  • Sweets
  • Chocolate 
  • Alcohol 
  • Cigarettes
  • Carbohydrates like bread and pasta

The traits of the thyroid type may align with some of the traits of the other hormone types like the adrenal- or ovary type – but what characterizes the adrenal hormone type? 

The Adrenal Body Type 

If you’re trying to lose weight and you’re wondering if you’re the adrenal hormone type – this is what characterizes them.

The adrenal hormone type is described as the mesoderm type or the banana shape. They often have a tendency to have an athletic body type with long extremities, long noses and visible cheekbones and collarbones. 

The adrenal type is related to the adrenal glands that control the ‘fight and flight’ system (stress hormones), the immune system, weight and libido.

They love exercise, movement and have strong muscles – or just an athletic body when in balance. It’s more difficult for an adrenal type to gain weight, but if they do, it’s often around the upper body rather than the lower body.

Adrenal Type In Balance

When the adrenal type is in balance, they often have stable energy throughout the day  – however not in the morning. They need a slower morning and are often more energetic during the night. The adrenal type is social, warm and wants to help everyone on their way.

The adrenal type is hard working, can overcome all obstacles on their way and wants to finish the projects. They have a high tolerance, are stubborn and often seen as the leader. They are goal-oriented, perfectionists and may lack a bit of empathy when it comes to reaching a goal.

Adrenal Type Imbalanced

When the adrenal type is out of balance, they tend to get very stressed and tired, angry easily, impulsive, dominating and get hangry when not eating. 

They don’t like changes in their schedule or something unpredictable. The adrenal type is often less creative and wants to stick strictly to a schedule. 

What Cravings Does The Adrenal Hormone Type Have?

The adrenal type’s cravings often include savory- and fatty foods more than sweets – but some like both. They sometimes tend to overeat and have afternoon cravings around 4 pm. 

The adrenal type often craves:

  • Chips
  • Peanuts
  • Cheese
  • Meat 
  • Butter
  • Alcohol or wine 

The adrenal type often has poor digestion, they feel tired due to overloaded liver and increased stress.

If you can’t already identify with the thyroid- or adrenal hormone type, your hormone type may be characterized as the ovary type, which we’ll dive into in the following.

The Ovary Body Type

The ovary body type is also called ectoderm or pear shape and is related to the woman’s cycle, energy production, fertility, vitality, etc. The ovary type is more sensitive – it’s mostly women found in this category.

Their body type is often characterized as small and petite with small hands and feets, big eyes and often storing fat around hips.

The ovary type is empathic, in touch with their feelings and can’t live without affection. Their values are often family, love and it’s important to be a part of something. 

Ovary Type In Balance

The ovary hormone type are slow movers with strong values and they have courage. They’re characterized as affectionate, kind, empathic, generous and emotional with a genuine interest in other people’s lives. They value relationships and typically want a big, loving family.

When in balance they’re in tune with their body, with life and love. They have vitality and feel deeply happiness. They like to take care of their loved ones, they’re hardworking, responsible and patient.

Ovary Type Imbalanced 

When the ovary type is out of balance they often have difficulties getting pregnant, they have PMS, and they’re sensitive to loud noises, light and people. 

The ovaries are connected with estrogen and progesterone. This is why a ovary hormone type may be prone to hormonal imbalances and estrogen dominance.

The ovary type often struggles with depression, low self-worth and forgets their own needs. 

What Cravings Does The Ovary Hormone Type Have?

The ovary type often needs plenty of rest and often needs a slow morning, where energy slowly increases during the day – although they often get an energy crash around 4 pm and have cravings at night.

The ovary type often craves:

  • Sweets and candy
  • Chocolate
  • Peanut butter
  • Butter
  • Chips

If you can identify with one of the three hormone types and want to lose weight – let’s dive into it.

How To Lose Weight From Hormonal Weight Gain

Finding your hormone type can help you in the process of losing weight – but what hormone type are you?

In my FREE Hormone Type Quiz, you can find your hormone type in order to figure out how you can support your body best whether it’s balancing your hormones or in a weight loss process. 

The thyroid hormone type needs to support their thyroid hormones. Our thyroid hormones are related to our metabolism and imbalances can manifest as low thyroid function.

To support the thyroid, it’s important to support liver function and estrogen metabolism. This is due to a major part of the thyroid hormones being made in the liver and excess estrogen stored in the liver may also affect our metabolism. This can lead to weight gain.

The adrenal hormone type needs to support the adrenal glands that are related to the cortisol hormones. The adrenal body type often gains weight in the lower belly area due to stress and inadequate sleep, which is why cortisol support is important for the adrenal type. 

The ovary hormone type needs to support their ovaries and female hormones like estrogen and progesterone. The ovary body type may be prone to hormonal imbalances and excess estrogen (estrogen dominance). So, Will Lowering Estrogen Help Lose Weight? Yes, balancing your hormones may help you balance your weight.

The ovary type is also sensitive to endocrine disruptors and should support their liver function, digestion and menstrual cycle. 

If you’re trying to lose weight based on your hormone type, I’ll recommend a diet that supports your hormones and body the right way. 

In my FREE QUIZ, you can learn more about your specific hormone type and which diet suits you in order to balance hormones and lose weight.

Final Thoughts

There are overall three hormone types known as the thyroid-, adrenal and ovary hormone types. We usually have traits from more than one type – but often we’re related more to one than the others.

The thyroid body type needs to support thyroid hormones and metabolism. The adrenal body type needs to support their adrenal glands and stress support while the ovary body type needs to support their cycle and female hormones like estrogen and progesterone. 

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