Do you want to feel more happy and joyful? Did you know you can rewire your brain to think more positively? 

If you want to rewire your brain and become more happy, it starts by being consciously aware of how you’re feeling now – and why. According to the emotional scale of consciousness, our lowest vibrational state is shame and guilt while some of the high vibrational states are love, joy and peace. When you find your state of being and let go of egotistical thoughts and beliefs, you can tune into higher energy. To build neuroplasticity, we must enforce meditation, positive thoughts, gratitude, self-love and love toward others. Furthermore, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, reducing stress and exercise and learning something new can help boost happy hormones and neuroplasticity.

In order to address how you can rewire your brain to be happy, we’ll go through the scale of consciousness, how to build neuroplasticity and what lifestyle makes people happy.

How Do I Reset My Brain To Be Happy?

Are you tired of negative thoughts and want to rewire your brain to be happy? Before diving into how you can reprogram your brain and boost your happy hormones, let’s dive into what happiness means.

Happiness, joy and pleasure is something we all want to feel in our lives. Sometimes, certain events make us feel sad or maybe even depressed and steal away the natural happiness in our lives.

I believe it’s healthy to feel all spectrums of feelings once in a while – however, I believe most of us would want to feel joyful, happy and peaceful at most times.

Scale Of Consciousness

According to the emotional scale of consciousness our energy and frequencies are divided in vibrations. This means our lowest frequency is feeling shame and guilt, while the highest frequency is feeling joy and peace.

The emotional scale of consciousness starts at:

  • Shame (below 30)
  • Guilt (30-50)
  • Apathy (50-75)
  • Grief (75-100)
  • Fear (100-125)
  • Desire (125-150)
  • Anger (150-175)
  • Pride (175-200)
  • Courage (200-250)
  • Neutrality (250-310)
  • Willingness (310-350)
  • Acceptance (350-400)
  • Reason (400-500)
  • Love (500-540)
  • Joy (540-600)
  • Peace (600-700)
  • Enlightenment (700-1000)

The range of one’s core belief goes from shame or guilt to enlightenment – however, it is said that only Buddha reached this level of consciousness.

Frequency 30-125

While some people deal with depression and constant negative thoughts, they might be in the area of feeling shame, guilt, apathy, grief and fear as a core belief.

This means one might feel like something is wrong with them, feeling hopeless, numb, being a victim, loss, failure and paranoia.

Frequency 125-310

Further on the scale, some people have desire, anger, pride, courage and neutrality – this has to do with external factors and a bit of superficialness. 

This means one might be hungry to change their life, for status, power and eager (or anger) to change themselves. Some might get positive feelings from external factors of wealth, money and fame.

When feeling courage, this leads to a shift in consciousness where one starts responding to life – instead of reacting. Neutrality lacks motivation and a deep drive in life, but feels somehow satisfied with the current circumstances.

Frequency 310-500

Further up the scale is willingness, acceptance and reason which has to do with a shift to positive energy and optimism. This is where self-discipline forms and complaints fade away.

When you’re feeling accepted, people will take action and they see themselves as the creator of their life. They let go of victimized beliefs and push themselves to reach their goals.

When finding reason, it means one gets the drive to let go of the things that no longer serve them and seek education and self-improvement in life.

Frequency 500-700

When feeling love, joy and peace – this is what I would translate to feeling ‘happy’. Love is selflessness and charity work. It’s loving others but with no expectations in return. At this stage, one will not be driven by the ego.

It is said that joy and peace (as a core belief) are reached by spiritual people – however, I believe we all can feel love and peace when we do the inner work.

When we start rewiring our brain to be more happy, we must learn to let go of the negative self-belief and self-talk. We must take moments of stillness (like meditation), to look and listen to the ego. 

Our core beliefs are developed throughout our lives by our surroundings, trauma and our ego and fear. 

So how do we rewire our brain to be more happy and let go, by building neuroplasticity?

How Do You Build Neuroplasticity?

If you want to rewire your brain to feel more happy, you need to build neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change, reorganize and grow neural networks.

Neurons are building blocks in the brain and nervous system and the human brain has up to 100 billion neurons.

The brain grows rapidly at an early age and at age 3, the brain has up to 15000 synapses per neuron. However, adults only have half the amount of synapses. This is due to all the experiences we get through life.

Neurons that are used more frequently have stronger connections in the brain and those rarely used will eventually die. This can lead to the brain adapting to a changing environment. This also means that we may be able to rewire our thoughts.

If you want to rewire your brain to be more happy you must build new neurological pathways – this takes time.

To boost neuroplasticity and happiness, you must learn to think more positively, be grateful for life and let go of the negative self-talk.

How, you might wonder?

  1. Get still and meditate
  2. Write down your thoughts and feelings
  3. Write down what you’re grateful of
  4. Practice self-love and kindness
  5. Practice positive affirmations
  6. Help others 

…and what else:

  • Reduce stress
  • Exercise
  • Set a goal 
  • Reading
  • Plenty of sleep
  • Learn something new
  • Play and have fun 

I personally believe in order to be healthy and happy – we must take good care of our bodies and hormones.

What Lifestyle Makes People Happy?

Taking care of your body, health and hormones can have a great impact on your happiness. I believe food is like medicine – when we eat lots of junk and sugar, we’ll mess with our hormones.

I don’t believe in strict diets, but in finding a balance. Why? Because a lifestyle of chronic stress and inflammation, obesity, etc may also have an impact on your mood.

An anti-inflammatory diet rich in macro and micronutrients supports our hormones, gut, and reduced inflammation combined with lowering physiological and psychological stress.

If you want to find your hormone type, you can find my free hormone type quiz. You can also download my free eBook Kickstart To Hormone Balance to get 6 easy steps on how to balance your hormones and change your habits to become more energized and happy. 

Final Thoughts

To find true happiness, I personally believe we must get still and sit with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

When we’re conscious of what we’re thinking and feeling about ourselves, we can start making changes to become our truest selves – and find more happiness in life.

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