Do you feel more bloated and gassy than usual? Maybe you deal with diarrhea or constipation, but you don’t know why? This might be a sign of an imbalance in your gut.

Probiotics is both found as a supplement and in certain foods, which can help you balance the bacteria in your gut. Gut imbalance can lead to symptoms such as excessive gas, bloating, pain, constipation or diarrhea. A stool test can help you assess if you have gut dysbiosis – and a balanced diet with a probiotic supplement may help you reduce your symptoms. Different strains of bacteria are found in probiotics, which all target and balance different areas of your gut, so I’ll recommend you seek guidance on which probiotic suits your personal needs.

In order to address if you’ll feel a difference when taking probiotics, we’ll go through benefits and strains of bacteria, signs of an unhealthy gut, usage and side effects.

What Are The Benefits Of Taking Probiotics?

If you’re wondering if you will notice a difference in taking probiotics? Yes, you can use probiotics to help you manage a variety of health benefits. 

Probiotics are live microbes, often in the form of yeast or bacteria, that can be consumed through fermented foods or supplements. 

There are a variety of probiotic genera that are used, however, the most commonly consumed and studied probiotics are:

1. Bifidobacteria

Most commonly found in foods and supplements. It helps support your immune system, prevents the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine and breaks down lactose into nutrients.

Some common Bifidobacteria strains include:

  • B. animalis: found in yogurt. It helps with digestion and fighting food-borne bacteria.

  • B. breve: lives in your digestive tract and in the vulva. It helps fight off infection-causing bacteria and helps with the absorption of minerals.

  • B. lactis: derived from raw milk

  • B. longum: lives in your gastrointestinal tract. It serves as an antioxidant and helps break down carbohydrates.

2. Lactobacillus

It produces lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar. It also produces lactic acid, which helps regulate bacteria in your body, increases the absorption of minerals and provides energy to your muscles.

Some common Lactobacillus strains include:

  • L. acidophilus: found in the small intestine and the vulva. It helps fight off vaginal bacteria and helps with digestion.

  • L. reuteri: found in the intestine and mouth. It can help with digestion and reduces bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Probiotics offer an array of health benefits when taken in the right quantities. For instance, they can promote gut health. Probiotics contain “good bacteria” which have the ability to naturally balance out the bacteria in your gut.

An imbalance in your gut can result in too many “bad bacterias” which can happen due to some illness, poor diet, traveling or medication such as antibiotics.

Research states that you can suffer from digestive issues, allergies, obesity, and even certain mental health problems all due to an imbalance of bacteria in your gut. Probiotics are an effective and safe way to deal with gut-related issues.

Generally, probiotics promote gut health, by balancing out the bacteria in your gut. Additionally, probiotics are widely known for their ability to help with diarrhea. An imbalance in gut bacteria can result in diarrhea.

There are a variety of studies that suggest that probiotics are associated with a reduced risk of diarrhea, particularly the type that’s antibiotic-associated. Another study revealed that specific strains of probiotics can help reduce diarrhea in an average of 25 hours.

Certain strains of probiotics can help improve cardiovascular health by regulating the level of bad cholesterol and blood pressure. A study showed that lactic acid-producing bacteria lowers levels of cholesterol by breaking down bile in your gut, which is mostly made of cholesterol.

Additionally, probiotics from the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains have been beneficial for people with mild ulcerative colitis, which is a form of bowel disorder.

If you’re struggling with a weak immune system, then taking probiotics can really help boost your immune health as well. Research suggests that probiotics from the Lactobacillus strain help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Probiotics may also be effective for reducing belly fat and general weight. They do this in a variety of ways. For instance, some probiotics prevent the absorption of dietary fat in the intestine, and the fat is then excreted through feces instead of being stored.

Particularly, for weight loss, it might help to gain insights into your hormone type. It will help you figure out what method of weight loss is most suited for you and how to shift towards a healthier lifestyle. 

To learn more about your hormone type, I suggest taking my FREE Hormone Type Quiz. Additionally, you may find guidance about weight loss and tips on shifting towards a healthier lifestyle in my FREE eBook, Kickstart to Hormonal Balance.

There’s also a variety of research that also suggests a link between gut health and your general mental well-being. Further research also shows that taking probiotic supplements can help in improving mental health.

For instance, one study showed that participants that consumed 100 grams of probiotic yogurt per day experienced an improvement in general health, anxiety, stress and even depression.

As you can see, probiotics can be quite beneficial for your health and especially for your gut health. If you suspect that your gut health is at risk, you can easily turn to probiotics for help.

Talking about the different bacteria types of probiotics in supplementation, you may wonder, what are the physical benefits of taking probiotics?

How Do You Know Your Gut Is Unhealthy?

Before you start taking a bunch of probiotics to feel differently in your body, it’s important to assess the condition of your gut. There are signs that you can look out for that may indicate issues within your gut.

One of the most common signs of bad gut functioning is an upset stomach. You may experience gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and heartburn. Any imbalance in your gut can interfere with the smooth functioning of your digestive system. 

There’s research that suggests that an imbalance in gut bacteria can be associated with disturbances in sleep, which may lead to chronic fatigue

Irritation or rashes on the skin can also be a sign that your gut health is deteriorating. Psoriasis, which is a skin condition, is also linked to the presence of certain types of bacteria in the gut. If the concentration of beneficial bacteria declines, you may experience an increase in skin rashes.

Research suggests a link between gut health and mental well-being. Any disturbances in the gut may also cause a shift in your mood which may lead to anxiety and stress.

Additionally, there’s a connection between your gut and your brain referred to as the gut-brain axis. 

This is why certain gut conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease have been associated with cognitive dysfunction including migraines and brain fog. 

If you’re experiencing the above-mentioned signs and symptoms, it might be beneficial if you start taking probiotics. 

As research on probiotics and gut health increases, it’s become apparent that certain individuals may benefit from taking probiotics more than others. 

Who Needs Probiotics The Most?

Probiotics have a variety of health benefits for your mind and body and some people may notice a more significant difference when they start taking probiotics.

For instance, people who have an imbalance of gut bacteria may find probiotics useful. Not only do probiotics introduce beneficial strains of bacteria in your gut, but they combat the bad bacteria and prevent them from colonizing.

Probiotics also strengthen your gut lining, which serves as a barrier, preventing harmful substances from entering your bloodstream.

Those who suffer from allergies or eczema can also find probiotics advantageous for them. There’s some research that suggests probiotics help reduce the severity of eczema in children and infants.

Also, do remember that there are different strains of probiotics. The benefits and effectiveness of each strand vary. Other factors like dosage also play a part in the effectiveness.

How Much Probiotics Is Needed Daily?

Probiotic doses are listed as colony-forming units (CFUs), which refers to the number of strains each dose contains. The dose can vary depending on the brand and the use, so make sure you carefully read the listing.

The recommended dosage varies depending on a variety of factors including your age and usage. Generally, the recommended dosage per day for adults is between 10 to 20 billion CFUs per day, while for children it’s 5 to 10 billion.

Keep in mind that for probiotics to be effective, dosage is quite important. There’s research that suggests that the effectiveness of probiotics is dependent on dosage as well as other factors including the type of microbe strain, health condition, product formula and the general quality of the product.

Your general health conditions and symptoms also impact the effectiveness of probiotics. If you take probiotics for your immune system or for gut-related issues, it may take some time before you can reap the benefits of probiotics.

Alternatively, if you’re using probiotics for diarrhea, you might see results a lot faster. One study showed that when probiotics were combined with rehydration therapy, it took as little as two days to deal with diarrhea.

It might help to assess your condition and perhaps consult an expert to help you figure out how much dosage is most suitable for your requirements.

What Time Of Day Should I Take Probiotics?

As with the dosage, the time depends on the type of probiotic you’re taking and your requirement.

Generally, research suggests that for probiotics like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium to survive and be effective, it’s best to take your supplements around 30 minutes before your meal.

It might also help if you’re consistent with the frequency, time and dosage of your probiotic. 

Is There A Downside To Taking Probiotics?

Given that probiotics naturally exist in your body, they’re safe to consume for the most part. However, in rare instances, certain individuals might experience side effects.

Probiotics may trigger allergic reactions and may lead to an upset stomach or a mild case of diarrhea. You may also experience a little bloating during the initial few days after you start taking probiotics.

People who are most likely to feel such side effects are those who have:

  • Recently went through surgery
  • A weak immune system
  • A critical illness

Even though probiotics are well-received by most individuals, you can avoid the risk of experiencing negative side effects by consulting your healthcare advisor before you start taking probiotic supplements. 

Final Thoughts

Probiotics as a supplement can be a helpful resource to balance the bacteria in your gut and reduce symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea. 

Keep in mind there are different types of probiotics and strains of bacteria. If you have severe gut issues, I’ll recommend you to do a stool test, to check if you have any imbalances that require further treatment.

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