Are you tired of getting sick several times a year? Do you want to strengthen your immune functioning for good or are you looking for a super booster in the midst of your cold? 

Fixing your immune system should be preventative by eating a healthy anti-inflammatory diet that suits your hormone type, exercise, and lots of water and antioxidants. Furthermore, decreasing stress can help your body’s immune cells to fight against pathogens more efficiently. Supplements like liposomal vitamin C and echinacea can help boost your immune system when you’re feeling the first signs of the cold. Bone broth is also helpful to boost your health and immunity due to it contains lots of vitamins and minerals.

In order to address how you can fix a weakened immune system, we’ll go through signs of a poor immune system and how to fix it through preventative procedures and how to boost it in 24 hours.

Can A Weak Immune System Be Restored?

If you’re thinking you may have a weak immune system, you may also wonder. Why and how to restore and fix it?

Your immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to defend your body from harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi. 

The main function of your immune system is to identify and eliminate any foreign substances that enter your body in order to maintain the health of your cells and tissues.

Your immune system functions through two mechanisms: innate immunity and adaptive immunity. The former is your body’s first line of defense and provides immediate protection. 

This includes your skin and mucous membranes which serve as physical barriers, as well as phagocytes, which engulf and destroy pathogens or any harmful substance that enters your body.

The second line of defense is more specific and develops over time. It involves your white blood cells developing a targeted response towards a specific pathogen. 

In addition, the adaptive immune system has the ability to remember pathogens that it’s encountered before. This means that the next time the same type of pathogen enters your body again, your white blood cells are equipped to fight against it.

To protect your body from harmful pathogens, your immune system functions through a coordinated and regulated network of cells, molecules and defense mechanisms. This means for your immune system to function effectively, it requires balance and proper regulation. 

There are a variety of ways through which you can naturally boost immune functioning, but before I go into detail about that, it’s important to first figure out if your immune system is working properly or if you need to fix it.

What Are 6 Signs Of A Weak Immune System?

Have you noticed that you’re getting sick more often than usual? Chances are that your immune system has weakened over time. There are five warning signs to look out for, that may indicate that your immune system isn’t performing the way it should.

1. Chronic Stress

Research suggests that long-term, chronic stress can interfere with your immune system’s defense responses. High levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone, can suppress the effectiveness of immune cells in fighting against pathogens.

You can find an effective way of maintaining hormonal balance by learning more about your hormone type. I suggest checking out my FREE Hormone Type Quiz to learn more about your specific hormone type and what’s the best way to regulate hormonal balance. 

2. Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to an overactive immune system. It disrupts the balance by releasing an excess of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can contribute to autoimmune disorders if not dealt with.

3. Frequent Infections

It’s normal to fall sick one or two times a year. However, if you find yourself constantly getting sick, it’s a sign that your immune system has weakened. It might be struggling to fight against the pathogens that have entered your body.

4. Poor Wound Healing

Whenever you cut or scrape yourself, your immune system protects your wound by sending nutrient-rich blood to the injury, which can help regenerate new, healthy skin. 

However, if you notice that your wound isn’t healing or is doing so at a slow rate, then there’s a high chance that your immune system is struggling to keep up.

5. Fatigue 

Are you feeling extra tired despite getting the required amount of sleep and rest? This may be your body’s way of telling you that your immune system has weakened. 

If your body has been fighting against a chronic or recurrent infection, chances are it’s directing all energy towards fighting the infection leaving you feeling extra exhausted

6. Digestive Issues

According to research, around 70 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive tract. Most of the beneficial bacteria and microorganisms reside in your gut and protect it from infection. 

They also provide support to your overall immune system. However, if there’s a decrease in the number of gut bacteria, you might be vulnerable to a variety of viruses. Frequent diarrhea, gas or constipation may be a sign that your immune system is compromised.

If left untreated, a weak immune system can lead to some serious health concerns. Fortunately, there are numerous ways through which you can naturally fix your immune system to feel better.

How Can I Regenerate My Immune System?

One of the easiest and healthiest ways of strengthening and fixing your immune system is by choosing a healthier lifestyle. This will allow your body and immune system by extension to heal naturally. 

An anti-inflammatory diet not only helps improve your overall health but is great for strengthening your immune system. You can add lean fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes into your diet as they are rich in nutrients and act as antioxidants.

Research states that antioxidants help decrease inflammation by regulating free radicals which would otherwise cause cell damage. 

Vitamin C is not only a great antioxidant, but it also helps support immune response. It is involved in functioning with a variety of immune cells and enhances their ability to fight pathogens. 

It also promotes the production of collagen, a protein crucial for maintaining your mucous membranes and skin.

Alternatively, to conquer inflammation, the plant extract echinacea also has antiviral and antibacterial properties which help support your immune system. 

A study showed that people who took echinacea recovered from colds faster than those who relied on other forms of treatment.

You can add echinacea and vitamin C to your diet by taking them in the form of supplements.

Foods that are rich in fiber are also essential as it’s great for maintaining the health of the bacteria in your gut. This helps improve your immunity and prevents harmful pathogens from entering the digestive tract.

Study also suggests that moderate exercise can help boost your immunity. It might help you to walk or jog around your neighborhood. You can also turn to activities like bicycling and swimming. Around 150 minutes of exercise per week may be beneficial for your health.

I would also advise that you don’t drink or smoke as an excess of both can inhibit immune functioning and can also trigger inflammation. 

Ever noticed that you sleep more when you’re feeling sick? That’s because sleep and immunity have a very close-knitted relationship. According to a study, those who slept less than six hours each night were more likely to get sick as opposed to those who slept for longer periods.

You may have trouble sleeping properly if you’re under constant stress and anxiety. This also has a direct impact on your immune health. Research shows that prolonged psychological stress can suppress immune responses in young children.

One way of managing stress is through de-stressing activities like meditation, journaling, yoga and other similar mindfulness practices.

If you’re thinking about boosting your immune system – don’t wait for the first signs of a cold to boost your immune system. There are a variety of practices that you can involve in your daily routine to strengthen your immune system and prevent a cold.

How Can I Boost My Immune System In 24 Hours?

In addition to shifting towards a healthier lifestyle, you can also incorporate super boosters to help strengthen and fix a weakened immune system.

Bone broth, for instance, is packed with nutrients and minerals that can help you feel rejuvenated. It contains amongst other herbs garlic, which is known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties, and chili, which acts as a natural decongestant.

It may also be beneficial to add liposomal vitamin C to your daily routine. Taking a higher dosage of around 1000 to 2000 mg daily can help boost your immune system.

Also, don’t forget to drink loads of water. This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people forget how important it is to stay hydrated. Lack of water can have an impact on your physical performance, focus, mood, digestion, cardiovascular and kidney functioning. 

Some particular food items that you can add to your diet to help boost your immune system include:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Ginger
  • Spinach
  • Kiwi
  • Papaya
  • Almonds
  • Turmeric

If you feel a little overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, I’d suggest you to download my FREE eBook, Kickstart To Hormonal Balance, which provides an easy step-by-step guide on changing your habits, lifestyle and diet towards a healthier path.

Final Thoughts

Getting into a cycle of getting constantly sick can be frustrating, however, there are ways to cope with a weakened immune system.

This is through stress management, a nutrient-dense diet, low-impact exercise, and certain supplements like liposomal vitamin C, echinacea and bone broth. 

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