Do you feel tired and have low energy all the time – but don’t know why? It might be a sign of Q10 deficiency.

CoQ10 is an antioxidant and supports cellular energy by providing energy to the mitochondria in the cell – the mitochondria are responsible for up to 95% of ATP production. Certain diseases and lifestyle factors such as vitamin deficiency, hyperthyroidism, oxidative stress, adrenal fatigue, diabetes, etc. may lead to Q10 deficiency. Q10 supplementation may contribute to increased energy, blood sugar and metabolism support and lowering oxidative stress. However, it may cause side effects such as nausea, headache, fatigue and dizziness.

In order to address what CoQ10 does for energy, we’ll go through conditions that may lead to Q10 deficiency and symptoms. Furthermore, we’ll discuss the benefits, side effects and dosage of Q10.

Can Q10 Give You More Energy?

Yes, CoQ10 can increase cellular energy and your energy in general. Coenzyme Q10, also called CoQ10  is an antioxidant that is naturally present in every cell of the human body, with higher concentrations in your heart, kidney, liver and pancreas. 

CoQ10 plays a fundamental part on a cellular level by providing energy to the mitochondria, the powerhouse of a cell. It accelerates the electron transport chain, the process responsible for producing 95% of the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). 

ATP is essential for all cellular functions and CoQ10 is vital for maintaining the health of all your tissues and organs.

Unfortunately, the natural production of CoQ10 decreases as you age and oftentimes, older people tend to have lower levels of antioxidants in their body – which may lead to lower energy levels.

However, lower energy levels may also be due to hormonal imbalance and your diet. If you’re curious about which Hormone Type you are and how you can eat to balance your hormones and increase energy – take my FREE Hormone Quiz!

If you’re feeling tired due to Q10 deficiency, you may wonder how you can figure out if your body needs CoQ10.

What Are The Symptoms Of Needing CoQ10?

If you’re dealing with low energy and fatigue, it might be a symptom of low CoQ10 levels – but certain conditions may also lead to Q10 deficiency.

According to research, the normal concentration of CoQ10 in your blood should range between 0.4-1.9 mg/L. While it is normal for adults to have lower levels of CoQ10, there are conditions that can contribute to the Q10 levels in your body.

4 conditions that may lead to low CoQ10 levels include: 

1. Vitamin Deficiency

Some research has shown a correlation between vitamin deficiencies and low levels of Q10. For instance, the results of one study suggested that individuals with low levels of vitamin B6 had a lower concentration of CoQ10 in their blood, compared to those who had normal levels of vitamin B6.

2. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition in which your body produces an excess amount of thyroid hormones. Not only does hyperthyroidism cause an increase in energy production, but it can lead to a decrease in lipoproteins, which in turn can be associated with low levels of CoQ10.

3. Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can often result in high oxidative stress and dysfunction in mitochondria, both of which are associated with Q10. Studies have suggested that adults with diabetes have insufficient quantities of CoQ10 in their blood.

4. Cancer 

Cancer research has suggested that patients suffering from cancer have lower levels of Q10 than those without cancer.

If you’re experiencing fatigue or muscle weakness, this might be a sign that you may have insufficient amounts of CoQ10 in your body. 

To get more energy, you may need to increase CoQ10 intake – but what are the benefits of taking a Q10 supplement, you may ask?

CoQ10 Benefits For Women

If you’re not already sure of what Q10 can do for your energy levels – let’s list all the benefits of Q10 supplementation.

Generally taking a CoQ10 supplement can be beneficial for the body as it supports metabolism, provides protection from oxidative stress and maintains heart health amongst other things. CoQ10 is vital for regulating various aspects of a woman’s health including fertility.

5 benefits of taking CoQ10 supplement for women include:

1. Supports Cells From Excess Radical Damage

An excess amount of unstable molecules, referred to as radicals, can disrupt regular cell function. 

This can lead to oxidative stress, where your cells might suffer from oxidative damage when there are too many free radicals in your body and not enough antioxidants. CoQ10 may help control these free radicals and help maintain regular cell functioning.

2. Supports Metabolism

CoQ10 is essential for breaking down cholesterol, amino acids and sulfides, all of which are essential for normal bodily functions and metabolism. Thus, a deficiency in CoQ10 may lead to interference with normal metabolism.

3. Regulates Blood Sugar

CoQ10 may help regulate your blood sugar levels. This is through improving insulin sensitivity and regulating glycemic control. 

Research has suggested that CoQ10 intake can boost the concentration of serum insulin, while also improving the overall antioxidant capacity of plasma.

4. Reduces Oxidative Stress

An imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and your body’s ability to stabilize them through antioxidants is referred to as oxidative stress. 

Not only does oxidative stress damage cellular processes, which may result in severe chronic disease, but Q10 may also reduce the elasticity of your skin, leading to signs of aging. 

CoQ10 intake may have anti-aging effects and may be helpful for reducing sun damage.

5. Improves Fertility

Oxidative damage can also affect sperm and egg quality, which is why CoQ10 supplements can be beneficial for maintaining fertility. 

During pregnancy for women, it can be beneficial for cell growth and division. Research suggests that CoQ10 supplements can stimulate ovarian responses, while also slowing ovarian aging. Thus, improving overall fertility and regulating hormones.

It’s been established that CoQ10 is beneficial for increasing energy and maintaining regular bodily functions, but how much is the optimal dosage?

How Much CoQ10 Should I Take For Energy?

CoQ10 can help you increase cell energy and reduce oxidative stress –  but the exact dosage can vary from person to person depending on their needs. 

An individual’s age and health can have an impact on the dosage. Plus, the type and quality of the supplements you take can also affect the dosage.

Generally, CoQ10 supplement dosage can range from 60 mg to 500 mg. The highest recommended dosage by experts is 1,200 mg.

If you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue or muscle pain, CoQ10 might help relieve fatigue, increase energy and relieve muscle pain. Some research of CoQ10 showed that taking around 100 mg helped reduce pain to a significant level.

For those taking supplements to improve fertility, doses between 100-600 mg might be adequate according to a study.

Disclaimer: I would recommend reaching out to your doctor to discuss what type of CoQ10 supplements and dosage would be more suitable for your needs. Plus, it might help you prepare for any side effects.

CoQ10 Side Effects

CoQ10 supplements are generally safe to take to increase your energy, however, it’s important to discuss usage with a professional healthcare practitioner. 

Potential side effects that you might experience after taking CoQ10 supplements are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea 
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue 

Given that CoQ10 is fat-soluble, CoQ10 absorption is more efficient when taken with food that contains a fat source.

In addition, if you’re pregnant I would suggest talking to your doctor in detail before taking any supplements for CoQ10 as there is limited research on the use of CoQ10 during pregnancy.

Final Thoughts

Fatigue and lack of energy may be due to Q10 deficiency. Q10 does not only work as an antioxidant but can protect from oxidative damage.

If you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue, stress or chronic health disease – I’ll personally recommend taking Q10 as a supplement. 

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